Tuesday, June 19, 2012

BCRC Picnic

Hi All,

Just a Reminder that the BCRC Picnic is on this Sunday June 24th at Noon at the field.

Chef Steve will be serving up burgers and dogs! 

$5 per person  for the festivities and the food.  


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hey Guys I got this from Joe and Linda Gayman....

Hi Joe,
Sorry about the other day you caught me at a bad time. I wanted to mention again about everybody going to fast up and down the lane. I had to chase after someone last week to tell them to slow down. Then on Sunday when i was plating some veggies two speeders came up and when they saw me they slowed down. They should try to understand they might not see us but we can here how fast they are going. We are tired of hearing the sorries, we just want the speeding to stop. From this point on I will only be writing down the plate numbers and this people will have to be suspended from the field. Also when there are puddles in the lane you will need to drive through them instead of driving around the on the lawn or in the fields. Sorry to have to once again touch base with you on this subject.
Linda Gayman

REMEMBER 5mph on the farm roads WALKING SPEED around the buildings.

If you are speeding that is grounds for you to be OUT of this club. No IF's AND's or BUT"s. 

I DO NOT want to see this kind of letter EVER again! 
